I picked up my the result of my D course exam just before the weekend, and I've very happy to report that I passed. I scored VG's on everything except the written paper. I wasn't too surprised, as I knew that I had some weaknesses in my grammar. I'd loved to have scored a VG overall, but that was the price of taking the exam earlier than originally planned.
Reflecting on the five months that have passed since I started the C course in January, I've enjoyed most of the experience and learnt a hell of a lot. I think later in the week I'll try and formulate those into a more coherent summary of what I thought worked, didn't work and hopefully a bit of advice for anyone who's learning a language or wants to know about the course in general.
Passing the exam now means I'm back stuck at home most days, which is pretty dull. Other than trying to find employment (hopefully I'll now have a better chance now my CV lists I have passed SFI and now have some quantifiable ability to speak Swedish) and resharpen my programming skills, there won't be an awful lot to keep me occupied. Still, I'll also have plenty of time now to get my apartment sold in London. It also means I'm going to have to battle through to the dreaded Arbetsförmedlingen and see if they can give me any help to find a job.
Major contrats there, big fella. No matter how minor the accomplishment, there's a certain something that happens when you've actually achieved something Swedish. Well done. I've chosen to continue on with the SAS programme, and I can really recommend it. A heavy focus on important works of Swedish literature, which makes it so much more interesting than SFI. And increases your vocabulary greatly. The grammatical level takes a giant leap upwards also. Again, major congrats.