Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Habitual reprise

 Hello anyone who visits this dusty old blog in the vain hope that the lazy author has written something new, Thanks for stopping by, and well, you know, we're in this together. Occasionally I feel inspired and once again things have happened in the quiet little life we lead up in the the southern tip of Norrland.

To recap, we need some kind of flashback sequence, well here goes:

Scene one: main character enters one of his periodic funks, feels isolated, struggles with his wife's ill tempered pregnancy.

Scene two: Finishes paternity leave, schools first daughter into the Swedish Nursery (Dagis to those in the know)

Scene Three: confounds the Arbetsförmedlingen by getting the first job he applies for (excellent company btw) and providing them with an unlikely success story. Comic interlude between main character and the C.V. 'expert' who'd only worked at one place (yes you've guessed it, the Arbetsförmedlingen, and who had the most laughable C.V. you've ever read)

Scene Four: Slacks off for the rest of the summer preparing for daugher no.2's birth and the start of his new job in October. Drives down to Gävle in peasouper fog with a wife in labour. Crazy sadistic midwife decides the labour wasn't painful enough for the wife and invents an especially painful finish. 

Scene Five: Struggles manfully and at times ineffectually with the logistics of a dual child household. Hangs on for dear life

Now the story unfolds again.

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