Saturday, 28 May 2011

Immigrant Blues

It's been a long time since my last post. The main reason has been that from January onwards I've been feeling fairly down and my outlook on life has been pretty dark. I've been struggling with a fairly shitty job, the stress of adjusting to life as a parent and feelings of loneliness. I've felt like a person simply shuttling between jobs, overwhelmed by the challenge of dealing with an extraordinarily dysfunctional workplace, and stuck in a rut with the development of my Swedish. I've often felt like an invisible person shuttling from job to job with little or no social contact outside the forced relations at work and the safe haven of my small new family.

These factors all finally took their toll and as a consequence I didn't much feel like writing or felt that I had much to share.

A few months ago I started a course of counselling. The therapy sessions, although ongoing, have really helped me and I now feel less despondent. As a consequence my mood has lightened a little recently so I felt it would be a good time to start trying to find small bits of time to blog.

Recently a lot has happened to me. Some of it has been good, some bad, some neither of those things, but all of it was noteworthy in some way. The biggest news perhaps is that I've finally sold my apartment in London and my connections to London are now only those few good friends I left behind over eighteen months ago. I'm happy that from now on I'll only be paying rent and not a mortgage on a property that has stood empty for eight months.

My girlfriend and I are also getting married this summer, and on the 13th of August (assuming she doesn't murder me before then) we'll be tieing the knot up in her home town of Bollnäs. We're planning on moving closer to that part of the country in the next year or so as neither of us is particularly at home in Malmö and haven't made too many friends whilst we've lived here. Selling my apartment was a great first step, and thanks to the overpriced London property market, we will now be able to buy a nice house in Hälsingland with a very small mortgage.

Anyway, if you've checked the blog and wondered what happened there it is. I feel motivated to write again, so hopefully the next post won't be four months away.


  1. hey! sorry to hear you've been struggling... glad it's getting better now. it's not easy here. best of luck! i'm sending good wishes.


  2. Welcome back, Adrian. Good to see you up and blogging again. I can empathise fully with much of what you are saying. Particularly with regard to invisibility and lack of direction. Immigration does screw with the personality. Excellent news about your housing and nuptials plans. Great to have those to focus on. I do a great drunken wedding guest. Just thought I should note that.

