Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Blog rebooted

Hello, It's been a year then eh? For a while I felt guilty about not updating the blog I'd started, and then as I got lazier and less motivated, and moods changed (see previous post) I felt less inclined to continue. To cut a long story short, and a story I'll recant over the next few posts, I'll try and bring things up to date, for any one who is interested, used to read this blog, or has stumbled upon it from some link or other.

A large amount has changed, including my location in Sweden (good bye Skåne, see you in hell!), my occupational status, and thankfully, my outlook. Anyhow, it also felt good to try and write something again as a way of getting my brain back in gear. So, that's my aim, we can only pray I have some discipline and some inspiration again.